July 1 - 15 | Granted this story sounds far fetched... but it happened this week! The complex coatings that are applied to most modern eyeglass lenses do a great job of protecting your lenses against scratches and glare... but they are not heat proof! This past weekend, a patient opening a hot BBQ to peak in at his steaks got a nice blast of heat to the face. The heat cracked (crazed) his lenses instantly. Crazing of the coatings makes a lens look like shattered glass and obviously causes poor vision. It happens because the intense heat causes expansion of the coating materials at a different rate from the underlying plastic. Crazing your lenses makes for an expensive steak dinner as lenses need to be replaced! Be careful when you open a hot oven or BBQ. Happy Canada Day or Independence Day! dr.j Studioeyecare.com PS - leaving your glasses in a hot car can do the same thing!